- 20/04/2024 10:04:12
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

select count(*) as total from articles a left join authors au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id, articles_to_topics a2t left join topics_description td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id, articles_description ad where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '1' and td.language_id = '1' and td.topics_id = '6' ORDER BY
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Requested : /articles.php?tPath=6&page=1&sort=1a
Trace Back : articles.php:273(splitPageResults->splitPageResultsarray(2) {; [0]=>; &string(661) "select a.articles_id, a.articles_date_added, a.articles_date_available, ad.articles_name, ad.articles_head_desc_tag, ad.articles_viewed, au.authors_id, au.authors_name, td.topics_id, td.topics_name from articles a left join authors au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id, articles_to_topics a2t left join topics_description td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id, articles_description ad where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '1' and td.language_id = '1' and td.topics_id = '6' ORDER BY "; [1]=>; &string(2) "10"; }; ) => includes/classes/split_page_results.php:58(tep_db_queryarray(1) {; [0]=>; &string(489) "select count(*) as total from articles a left join authors au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id, articles_to_topics a2t left join topics_description td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id, articles_description ad where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '1' and td.language_id = '1' and td.topics_id = '6' ORDER BY "; }; ) => includes/functions/database.php:142(tep_db_errorarray(3) {; [0]=>; &string(489) "select count(*) as total from articles a left join authors au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id, articles_to_topics a2t left join topics_description td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id, articles_description ad where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '1' and td.language_id = '1' and td.topics_id = '6' ORDER BY "; [1]=>; &int(1064); [2]=>; &string(146) "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1"; }; )

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